14 research outputs found

    Proxy Promised Signcrypion Scheme Based on Elliptic Curve Crypto System

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    With the rapid growth in internet technology anonymity, repudiation and smacking the contents of messages are required for illegal businesses such as money laundering etc. In this paper we design and analyze a proxy promised signcrypion scheme based on elliptic curve cryptosystem. In this system the sender/original signer can give the authority of signcrypion to another entity namely proxy signcrypter and he generates promised signcryptext on the place of sender. The scheme is accomplished aim to improve the previous crypto-systems, due to the elliptic curve small system parameter, small public key certificates, faster implementation, low power consumption and small hardware processor requirements. This ECC based scheme provides high security and efficiency

    Proxy Signcrypion Scheme Based on Hyper Elliptic Curves

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    Delegation of rights is promising in Internet applications like distributed computing, e-cash systems, global distribution networks, grid computing, mobile agent applications, and mobile communications. This paper presents a novel Proxy Signcrypion Scheme based on hyper elliptic curves, attractive for resource constrained environment due to its shorter key size. It has properties of warrant integrity, message integrity, message confidentiality, warrant unforgeability, message unforgeability, proxy non repudiation and public verifiability. The proposed scheme has reduced computational cost as compared to the other existing schemes

    Deniable Authentication Protocol using Promised Signcrypion Based on Hyper Elliptic Curve

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    Anonymity and deniability has an essential role in promising internet environment. Promised signcrypion enable the sender to generate signcryptext with promised property sending it to the receiver. According to the promised property only the intended receiver can verify the original source generating the message. Hyper elliptic curve is considered suitable for constrained devices due to its lesser size key. In this paper we proposed an efficient promised signcrypion scheme based on the hardness of hyper elliptic curve discreet logarithm problem (HECDLP). We compare proposed scheme with existing scheme in term of cost (computational and communication). The proposed scheme reduces computational cost about 87.42% at sender side and 90.56% at receiver side and total communication overhead about 61.45 %. This scheme ensure the security issues like message confidentiality, message integrity, sender anonymity, authenticity

    Effective video summarization approach based on visual attention

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    Video summarization is applied to reduce redundancy and develop a concise representation of key frames in the video, more recently, video summaries have been used through visual attention modeling. In these schemes, the frames that stand out visually are extracted as key frames based on human attention modeling theories. The schemes for modeling visual attention have proven to be effective for video summaries. Nevertheless, the high cost of computing in such techniques restricts their usability in everyday situations. In this context, we propose a method based on KFE (key frame extraction) technique, which is recommended based on an efficient and accurate visual attention model. The calculation effort is minimized by utilizing dynamic visual highlighting based on the temporal gradient instead of the traditional optical flow techniques. In addition, an efficient technique using a discrete cosine transformation is utilized for the static visual salience. The dynamic and static visual attention metrics are merged by means of a non-linear weighted fusion technique. Results of the systemare compared with some existing stateof- the-art techniques for the betterment of accuracy. The experimental results of our proposed model indicate the efficiency and high standard in terms of the key frames extraction as output.Qatar University - No. IRCC-2021-010

    Urdu Handwritten Characters Data Visualization and Recognition Using Distributed Stochastic Neighborhood Embedding and Deep Network

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    This study was supported by the China University of Petroleum-Beijing and Fundamental Research Funds for Central Universities under Grant no. 2462020YJRC001.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Intelligent Malaysian Sign Language Translation System Using Convolutional-Based Attention Module with Residual Network

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    (e deaf-mutes population always feels helpless when they are not understood by others and vice versa. (is is a big humanitarian problem and needs localised solution. To solve this problem, this study implements a convolutional neural network (CNN), convolutional-based attention module (CBAM) to recognise Malaysian Sign Language (MSL) from images. Two different experiments were conducted for MSL signs, using CBAM-2DResNet (2-Dimensional Residual Network) implementing “Within Blocks” and “Before Classifier” methods. Various metrics such as the accuracy, loss, precision, recall, F1-score, confusion matrix, and training time are recorded to evaluate the models’ efficiency. (e experimental results showed that CBAM-ResNet models achieved a good performance in MSL signs recognition tasks, with accuracy rates of over 90% through a little of variations. (e CBAM-ResNet “Before Classifier” models are more efficient than “Within Blocks” CBAM-ResNet models. (us, the best trained model of CBAM-2DResNet is chosen to develop a real-time sign recognition system for translating from sign language to text and from text to sign language in an easy way of communication between deaf-mutes and other people. All experiment results indicated that the “Before Classifier” of CBAMResNet models is more efficient in recognising MSL and it is worth for future research

    A Novel Provable Secured Signcryption Scheme ????: A Hyper-Elliptic Curve-Based Approach

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    Rivest, Shamir, & Adleman (RSA), bilinear pairing, and elliptic curve are well-known techniques/algorithms for security protocols. These techniques suffer from higher computation and communication costs due to increased sizes of parameters, public keys, and certificates. Hyper-elliptic curve has lower parameter size, public key size, and certificate size. The aim of the proposed work is to reduce the computational cost and communication cost. Furthermore, we validate the security properties of our proposed scheme by using the well-known simulation tool called automated validation of Internet security protocols and applications. Our approach ensures security properties such as resistance against replay attack, confidentiality, authenticity, unforgeability, integrity, non-repudiation, public verifiability, and forward secrecy

    Efficient Segmentation of Lymphoblast in Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia

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    Microscopic examination of peripheral blood smears and bone marrow is the preliminary step for the diagnosis of several life-threatening diseases. Acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) is the most common disease in children that also needs an early diagnosis for on-time treatment as it spreads rapidly in the blood and forms immature lymphocytes. This might cause death in some weeks if left untreated. Manual methods in clinical laboratory being applied for the diagnosis of these diseases are inefficient and expensive, and the results are less accurate. A computer-aided system is the need of the day in which the most important step is segmenting the region of interest in blood or bone marrow for the detection and cure of the diseases which is the most challenging task. This study aims to propose a simple threshold-based segmentation technique by processing the S component of the HSV color space to segment the lymphoblasts in the bone marrow images of ALL patients. The technique was applied to 230 RGB bone marrow images having all the three types of ALL, i.e., L1, L2, and L3 resulted in the overall accuracy of 96.8%

    Enhancement of the Capability Maturity Model for Improving the Quality of Software Projects in Developing Countries

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    Business process modeling was suggested by academia and implemented by the industry to trigger device requirements. Maturity models of software processes are also similar in the software industry. Therefore, business software requirement engineering approaches-based process should aim to fulfil with the maturity models. Although researchers in the area of Software Engineering, Project Management, and Business Intelligent have addressed planning and execution and a lot of research still needs to be done, in this study, we focused on doing a questionnaire based on different prominent universities, major companies, and software houses. The purpose of the questionnaire was to dig out the main factors that negatively affect software houses and their products and services, especially in the medical field. A questionnaire was generated to accomplish these reasons, and interviews were conducted to extract the key explanation why software developers and software houses in developing countries are not familiar with the CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration) model for medical software projects. This analysis attempted to figure out why the tech enterprises of developing countries are behind foreign competitors. We aimed to determine why software developers do not meet the international requirements for software. The novelty of the research is that attempts were made to strengthen the new approach by adding agile at level 3 to keep the local software industry appropriate and reveal the requirements for medical software life cycle study, because accurate decision support is really necessary for healthcare systems